こんにちは、ちくわですこちらは先日のゴミ回収のお仕事風景ですこういったものも回収させていただいてますまずはお気軽にご相談くださいねご連絡お待ちしております03-6802-3733080-6425-2332(Hurry up)wa20110923@gmail.comご依頼のさいには、「ちくわちゃんを見たよ」と言ってもらえると、ちくわがご褒美をもらえますよろしくおねがいしますこれは、ご褒美にいちごとマンゴーをもらっている夢をみて眠っているところですLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
Show AllAnnouncements
2024/06/04Image character decided!
- 2024年6月4日
みなさんこんにちは、株式会社ベストナインです雨に映える紫陽花の花も美しい季節ですいかがお過ごしですか?早速ですがこの度、弊社のイメージキャラクターが決定いたしましたので、そのご報告と、本人より一言意気込みをもらおうと思います!では、どうぞ!じゃん!あ、えぇっとぉーちくわですみんなからは、ちーちゃんとか、ちくちゃんとかよばれますあのっ、なんか勝手にキャラクターとか決められたんですけどぉ、ちくわはしごできなので、ちゃんとこれからベストナインのお仕事内容とか、お知らせとか、お仕事の依頼とか、はっしんしていこうとおもいます!お仕事ご依頼のさい、ちくわを見ました!って言ってもらえると、ちくわがごほうびをもらえますちくわはいちごとマンゴーがすきですがんばります以上、ちくわさんのイメージキャラクター就任挨拶でした!次回以降のブログ投稿担当はちくわさんになりますので、お楽しみに不用品回収はぜひ、ベストナインにお任せを!では、またっ⭐︎LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show All2024/02/20
- 2024年2月20日
It's been a long time since we've seen each other. I've been addicted to Chikawa lately, and before I know it, it's ^_^ 2024. Well, time flies, doesn't it? Recently, or in the last few years? I haven't updated my blog, but I'm doing well👍I'm going to upload it a little bit this year, so please expect a little bit (^_^ laughs) It's boring, but please take a look and go. Finally, I would like to thank you for your support of the Best Nine for collecting discarded items again this year😊Recently, we also founded the best nine baseball teams( ̄▽ ̄)Stay tuned for future updates👍Goodbye!! LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show All2020/05/10GW that can not be called GW is finished (laughs)
- 2020May 10 -
Good evening ^_^ everyone, it was GW until today, but unfortunately this year has become a self-restraint stay-at-home week. This can't be helped, because you are fighting an invisible enemy, no matter how GW you are, staying at home is the best. The number of newly infected people is decreasing, but we must still be vigilant. I said on TV that the second and third waves will definitely come. Let's tighten our minds even more. We, the Best Nine, are doing what we can now and preparing well for normal sales. For the time being, we still accept collection of unnecessary items, but the condition is that it does not become 3 Cs. We also accept approximate estimates by email or phone, so please do not hesitate to contact us. See you soon!( ^oh^ )* The photo is a flower called Yabran that bloomed in the garden without anyone knowingLanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show All2020/05/09Let's get through it!!!
- 2020年5月9日
Good evening everyone. In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the state of emergency has been extended until the end of May. It's about time we saw some good news. But a little more. I think that if you have a little more patience, this patience will be rewarded. Let's endure it somehow and get through it. Thank you to the healthcare professionals and those involved for their hard work in this difficult situation. Let's continue to work hard with one heart until the situation is resolved. ※The photo shows a phlox planted in the garden.( ^oh^ )See you later.( ^oh^ )LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Show All2020New Year's Greetings
- 2020January 9 -
Show All2019/01/09New Year's Greetings
- 2019January 9 -
Happy New Year to everyone(^o^)Last year, thanks to you, I was able to meet various people and spend a fulfilling year. Thank you. We will continue to do our best this year with the motto of good spirits, so thank you very much. * I have been busy lately, so I can't update the blog easily, but I am open as usual, so please feel free to contact us ☆ Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show AllH30.3.15 once in a while.
- 2018年3月15日
こんにちは(^^)This is Chikasawa of the Best Nine. Today was my first job in the field in a long time. I woke up early in the morning and spent an hour and a half on the train at a certain Don Quijote in Kanagawa Prefecture. It's a little too far away, isn't it?(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)Sometimes I get tired when I go to work in the field! lol Why... Even though it's the same job... Wow! No, it ended early. I was rocked by the train and went home. We also accept dismantling of furniture and warehouses in such a small house, so thank you! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show All2018/01/09Happy New Year
- 2018January 9 -
Happy New Year. We look forward to working with you again this year. I sincerely wish you all a Happy New Year. Best Nine Inoue, Chikasawa Language This page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Show All2017/12/17Announcements
- 2017December 17.
Good evening everybody!. Finally after half a month! Cleaning your preparation? Industry we are the largest in 12-year periods, reservations, contact us soon! Oh, we have new truck seats,(^o^)But here she's ready. You contact us(^o^)LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
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